Wednesday, 27 May 2015

jPOS-EE version numbers - 2.0.8 Released

FYI, we are starting to put some order in jPOS-EE version numbers, following the standard we use in jPOS (even version numbers are considered stable, odd version numbers are considered development versions).

We generate releases for even versions, and just SNAPSHOTs for odd versions.

Right now, we just released 2.0.8 and moved development to 2.0.9-SNAPSHOT

Both are available in repo (we'll consider releasing stable versions to MavenCentral at some point, as we do with jPOS).

We have configured Travis (with its output pushed to gh-pages branch).

We didn't have a jPOS-EE ChangeLog, we started one now

We have some very good plans for jPOS-EE so we hope you keep an eye on the project. The best way to do that is to hang with us in jPOS' Slack (